A Fresh Start

I have decided to get my life back on track. There have been so much going on in my life that I had become disorganised, to a point where my life can be classified under "shabby". I had stopped catching up with friends and family, prevented myself from any worldly liaisons and I had neglected the blog that I maintained on a regular basis; I had completely shut myself off from the rest of the world. I hope to maintain this blog and I hope that I do not have another Fresh Start in a few years' time. But, I am not going to get rid of my old Blog posts. They may come in handy for one of those I-feel-like-copy-and-paste days. I know, it is a bit of a cheat, but I have heard that rules were meant to be broken.

Dear Diary/Journal/Blog Entry,

I know my biography so I am not going to bore you with all the details (if I write everything about me on my very first post, then I would have nothing to write about later). An interesting thought or a passing glance is meaningless, unless the situation demands it. I would strive to write the most interesting things in my life and the most mundane things, interesting. I have an insatiable appetite for good food, movies and books. That is the first of many clues that I am going to give myself, to find my lost self. The path to self discovery begins here.

At the beginning, I may have written too much too soon and burned out. Then I stopped completely and could not even complete a sentence. How do I keep the flow/Mojo going? That's where you come into play.

Even though I claim this Blog as a tool to recover my life, any observations from readers are welcome. After all encouragements and criticisms are part of life and I believe they shape us. Let's begin.


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