Executive Decision

Gather around, kids. Let me tell you the story of the day I took an umbrella to work. Sounds tedious, doesn't it? Well, let me tell it anyway. Allow me my few idiosyncrasies and I will try to lead a normal life.

I was watching the weather report, not because I cared for it but the reporter was too pretty and I couldn't bother to switch channels, and I heard the words 'rain' and 'tomorrow' and for some reason these two words stuck with me, so, the next day I got out of the house with my umbrella. Now, people who know me would know that I never take an umbrella even in torrential rain. I wait for the rain to stop and then go or I would just call in sick. I like rain as I think one day a big rain would come and wash the scum of all the streets. That's right, I am Travis Bickle and De Niro portrayed me before I was born, but, I do not want to get into that surreal contemplation; that's a completely different story.

On the train to work, as I was about to sit down, I noticed that someone had left their umbrella, which was most definitely new thus making it much better than mine (you know, grass is greener and all that), on the seat. Now I was stuck with what you call a conundrum. That's right; I will use fancy words as long as there is Thesaurus.

Back to my conundrum; I could not make up my mind as to if I should:

  1. Leave the new umbrella
  2. Leave my old umbrella and take the new one
  3. Take both umbrellas

when I got off the train.

I was stuck in two minds (well three in the case above) when I decided to choose option 1 (that was my final answer, well, I was not sure really, but option 1 it was) and do the righteous thing. If I had not taken my old umbrella to work, I would have probably ended up taking the brand spanking new umbrella (absolutely free, no interest, no repayments), but on that particular day I took my umbrella to work. Was it because of the weather report, the previous day? I cannot answer truthfully. I have seen many weather reports before but I had never paid any attention whatsoever. Why, that particular day? The question still haunts me to this day.


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