My Valedictory Speech (PIBT, July 2002)

Honoured guests, vice principal, lecturers, and dear friends. It is a great honour to address this particular gathering. Families and friends, on behalf of the graduates, I welcome you.

First, I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate my fellow graduates on their academic accomplishments. We have learnt worked with dedication, which we have put in to obtain a degree from PIBT. Please let me remind you, behind these awards lies the great saga of,

  • help from the lecturers
  • hard work and dedication
  • Support from family and friends
  • God's grace (for those who believe), and most of all
  • couple of weeks of not going to the nightclubs in Northbridge

I would like to recall some good and not so good memories I've have had during my life at PIBT.

The lecturers - they have been remarkable and have provided us with exceptional knowledge and wisdom. They have worked beyond their powers so that we can succeed in our academic endeavours. Although we hated you because of the lack of sleep caused by the never-ending assignments and mini tests, we thank you as they prepared us to face the final exam, both mentally and physically. You have inspired us all.

Friends - the best thing that has happened to me in PIBT. As Christi Mary Warner said "A friend is one who knows all about you and likes you anyway"; this is really incredible in my case. Thank you guys, for some fantastic moments we have had together. We have been there for each other during happy and troubled times.

On behalf of the graduates, I thank the families and friends for their support and the encouragement. You gave us hope when we were really down. A few words of support proved to be tremendous. Most of all, thank you sending money whenever we asked for it.

PIBT may be a small institution, but it made me make new friends. I felt familiar with the surroundings and atmosphere. Why you may ask? It is because of the diversity of our pasts and cultures. We are all from different countries and backgrounds. When we first came to PIBT, the one thing we had in common was PIBT itself. It is because of PIBT that we met, and we found unity in diversity. There was never a chance for petty differences. It is really saddening to leave PIBT, but one has to end if something has to begin. I am really looking forward to do my bachelors in Computer Science at Edith Cowan University - Mt. Lawley.

Today, my fellow graduates, we have reached an important milestone in our life. We are the cynosure of all eyes - that of the lecturers and our families and friends. This very moment is a celebration for all of us, but we do realise the obligations ahead of us. I know it is a cliché to quote Robert Frost in valedictory speeches, but

"The woods are lovely, dark, and deep, but I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep, and miles to go before I sleep"

Today our parents/guardians would be very proud of our achievements but still a little sad that their "babies" are growing up, so fast. For them we maybe babies, but in the eyes of the community we are adults. We are expected to be responsible for our actions.

Life would surely prove to be difficult - it sure has proved to be very difficult when our Internet download volume finished (nearly all of you would have sour experiences of that; I couldn't check my emails). Life proved to be very, very difficult when we wanted to use the computer labs and the labs were full. Life is full of challenges, so, be prepared to face them. As the great Bon Jovi said "it's my life, it's now or never"!


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