Monday Blues

Mondays determine my rest of the week. The events of the week and their outcomes depend so heavily on Mondays that I become a victim to Monday-bashing, also popularly known as Mondayitis. If I see and talk to no one on the way to work on a Monday, rest assured, it will be a week of birds-singing, dew-dropping, sun-shining, jazz-listening days of wine and roses minus Jack Lemmon and addiction to alcohol. On the contrary, if someone said something as harmless as "good morning" on a Monday, I blow my top and read Nietzsche or Dostoyevsky and blame everything on everyone and think about genocide, a lot. But, as the song goes, I pick myself up, dust myself off and start all over again as I cool down with a Red Bull (yes, it relaxes me; yes I'm weird) on the train which proves to be quite amusing at times. There is a story of how I drank a 473 ml can of Red Bull and fell asleep on the train, but that's a whole other story.

I commute to work via train. Most of the days, I am engrossed in a book or an article, but sometimes I just like to observe my fellow passengers. Sometimes I just stare out the window but occasionally I eavesdrop (after all we are all voyeurs in some way). There is one passenger (I call him 'Rain Man') who states the obvious all the time. Sometimes it would be really hard to breathe, let alone move and he would say "the train is crowded today". I don't think this is directed to anyone in particular; in my opinion he is a secret agent using code words to talk to other agents in the vicinity, but there is no time for my schizophrenic paranoid delusions.

It is also funny (in a crowded train) when people can't move one way or the other, but end up staring at one another but feel ashamed when their eyes meet and an overall uneasiness permeates the entire carriage and I laugh to myself (unconsciously, of course) and question this particular behaviour. After all humans are a race where we have lived in communities/groups throughout the ages but lately the concept of personal space (or as my friend says: "leave me the fuck alone") has so infused with us, we feel great discomfort (including me, especially me) in sharing oxygen. Yoda says: Mondayitis have I, to kill some Stormtroopers I feel the need. Yes, hmmm.


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