The God Delusion (Part 2)

Go to: Part 1

I found an article (in relation to TGD) criticising science with the advent of the atomic bomb. Well, allow me to retort: why was the a-bomb invented in the first place? Where did it start? Did it not start with the bloody crusade of this one guy with a funny moustache who wished to avenge those who killed Jesus? Call me crazy, I'm just clutching at straws here. Science at the hands of humans can be used for good and evil. I have never seen or heard of any instance when rationalists declared war in the name of atheism.

Albert Einstein who did not "believe in a personal God" had said "I believe in Spinoza's God who reveals himself in the orderly harmony of what exists, not in a God who concerns himself with the fates and actions of human beings". God as a 'soul' to the universe makes sense to me. It would be reasonable to assign an 'animus' to lifeless entities such as the sky or nature that accompanies humans throughout their lives but that persona should not be attributed to monotheistic deity. RD rightfully questions the logic behind living in fear over God watching our every step as if God does not have anything better to do. And I am no fan of a vengeful God who is "arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction".

It is bewildering that someone might say 'look at the beauty in this world. How could it be possible without God?' Well, how about famine, genocide and cancer to name a few? Do you take the bad with the good and presume that God has a plan? If the Pro-Life (mainly) theologians talk about the hypothetical abortion of Beethoven, why should not we speak of the non-abortion of Hitler? And, what could have been God's plan in wiping out entire species? Why did he create dinosaurs only to annihilate them from the face of the earth about 65 million years ago? Was God getting his freak on? Or do any of you believe that the earth did not exist 10,000 years ago and dinosaurs are nothing more than scientific propaganda?

Go to: Part 3


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