The Life Inside

Sorry about the heading. Corny, cheesy or corncheesy it may be, I had to to do it.

Do we live our lives in our terms even though others might consider them wrong? Should we live our life to make others happy? Or do we let others dictate on how we should live? Should we not care about how others feel and live according to our rules? Many of us won't like it when someone advises us on how to live our lives.

We feel our freedom is at risk here. If we were given the options of living well or living in poor conditions, we would definitely choose to live well, won't we? But, if we were given no options, but to live well, I think most of us would be unhappy, wouldn't we? We love options, don't we? Sorry about all the questions; it is still early in the week to find answers to these psuedo-intellectual questions, but I have yet to meet the "one" with the answers, but that's a whole new ballgame.

Why all these musings, one may ask. This was just a by-product of watching "Mar Adentro" (The Sea Inside). For those who have not seen it or heard about it (seriously?), it's about the writer Ramón Sampedro who fought to end his life. He chose the option of death over life, when he became a quadriplegic. And there ends my musings, for now, as I rush to write a strongly (yet professional) worded email to a popular fast-food restaurant for failing to provide me with options on my last visit.


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