Six Degrees

I don't know why it happened. I wanted to read a report before I got to work, so while waiting for the train, I decided to give it a try. There was a slight breeze that day, which didn't bother me, but on the contrary was quite refreshing. I was feeling a positive vibe among the people waiting for the train when my mind wandered off after reading few pages (the report was quite tedious) and suddenly, out of nowhere, a disturbing illusion took over me. For some reason, my fingers had gone numb and the papers were yanked out of my hand. I saw the papers flying out on to the road and creating a multiple-vehicle collision that cost many lives. I cannot help but watch, in dismay, as limbs and torsos were scattered all over the freeway and blood rushing forth in a never-ending stream.

I started to panic and immediately put the report in the file and the file in my bag and made sure the bag was firmly closed shut. I was not sure if others noticed, but I had started to sweat profusely and my legs turned wobbly; I swear I could literally hear my pounding heart. I collapsed on the metal seat on the platform just as the train approached the station. I could not get myself to board that particular train.

Why was I delirious as that particular train approached the station? I was not sick, physically or mentally. I have had a wholesome breakfast, so I cannot say it was due to fatigue. Moreover, how was it that I was able to just pick myself up, after the train had left, as if nothing had happened? I am not one who believes in fate, but how can I explain this incident? Was it meant to be? I hate it when I cannot answer these self-righteous questions. Do others experience these sorts of "visions"? Maybe I am not supposed to delve into the mysteries of life and realise everything and everyone is connected to each other in some way. I started to fantasize about other lives affected by me not boarding the train, but I had to get back to the report.


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