Life as War as Life

Explosions and cries
Cries of fear
Fear in the eyes… staring

Staring into the unknown
Unknown of a safe place
Place I use to call home… no more

No more war
War of the men
Men become ghosts… forgotten

Forgotten life
Life without peace
Peace lost forever… terror

Terror in the lives
Lives that were sacrificed
Sacrificed to evil… greed

Greed maketh the man
Man bound by illusions
Illusions created by ideals… dogma

Dogma blankets reasoning
Reasoning for preservation
Preservation of one's existence
One's existence, other's destruction
Destruction of trust

Trust that is fake
Fake tears shed
Shed your humanity
Humanity unidentifiable

Unidentifiable truths
Truths traded for lies
Lies here the soul

Soul in suffering
Suffering for humans
Humans caught in explosions…


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