Sex Drive

"It's all over after Phuket" said my friend, "I am all sexed out". Some people may find this amusing, others not so. I belong to the latter category because my friend has been saying this for the last 5 years. That's right, five fucking years! Put aside the feelings of jealousy and read on. If I can write this, surely you can read it.

Some background info on my friend. For those who don't know him, let's just leave it at that. For those who are familiar with him, you know that he has faults like other human beings, refuses to accept those faults like other human beings and juxtaposes those faults on his 'partners' so he can have a clean break-up once the sex is over and he is "sexed out". Like other human beings? I honestly don't know the answer to that one.

When asked why he behaves like a bastard, he says "better to be a player, before being played, 'cos you are gonna get played, anyway". Hmmm, food for thought, with multiple question marks and exclamations. So, where does it end? Could a man finally get "sexed out" without having his testicles removed? Therein lies our problem. I believe it is something that cannot be solved, something like the "man on the moon". Was it real or was it staged? Can you fake "sexed out" when you are oversexed yourself?


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