Jamais Vu 2010

I want to get a sense of self as I look back on 2010 and the effect the past 12 months had on my life. This year I moved into my brand-spanking, all-new, heavily-mortgaged house, turned thirty, experienced the biggest travesty in Thamizh Cinema history and battled (battling) depression. More on that later; maybe not. My life has been a series of accidents; wherein others (or normal people) plan their lives, I have been carried by the flow of life; where the wind blows and other related figures of speech. I have been leading a pretty normal life, give or take a few bouts of craziness. I have found myself asking the question (yes, THE question), "what's the point of life, anyway?" and think about it for thirty minutes and having come up with zilch, realise I have gained nothing on the thirty first minute and have a five-minute-breakdown of pointless ponderings and mindless mutterings as life seems to go on around me. I visually become distressed as the above mentioned ques...